Laura Russell
Laura Russell, 38, from Dundee, was first diagnosed and successfully treated for early-stage...
If someone close to you is experiencing any symptoms mentioned on this site it may well be that they simply don’t realise it could be a sign of cancer. They may even be worried about approaching their GP practice or wasting their time.
Friends and family have an important role to play in passing on information and encouraging those experiencing symptoms to contact their GP practice as soon as possible. It’s probably nothing to worry about but, if it is cancer, the earlier it’s found, the easier it is to treat and the more likely the treatment is to be successful.
It can be very difficult to bring up the subject of cancer but you don't have to use the word specifically. You could simply encourage them to contact their GP practice or ask – ‘do you think it might be a good idea to discuss your symptoms with your doctor?’ You could even offer to go along with them for moral support.
Alternatively, if you have recently been diagnosed with cancer and are worried about telling your family and friends, NHS Inform and Macmillian Cancer Support can offer you lots of useful help and advice.